CRC Policies
How the CRC works
CRC approval is necessary prior to start of proposed modification to the exterior of homes. If construction begins prior to CRC approval, the Homeowner may be required to return the property to a former condition at the Homeowner’s expense. The Homeowner may also be required to pay all legal expenses incurred related to such action. Where the CRC is available to a Homeowner and the Homeowner disregards the requirement to obtain the CRC approval of proposed changes, the Homeowner may have compromised his/her legal position relative to said changes, should a legal dispute ensue.
Compliance with Covenants is the legal obligation of each homeowner. Anyone may demand compliance by a home owner to the Covenants that go with that homeowner’s land. It is not necessary to involve the CRC to bring legal action against another homeowner. However, historically the rulings by the CRC have held weight in courts of law.
In order to perform its tasks in an objective and consistent manner, the CRC uses certain guidelines and processes that can be referenced in this website.
If the procedures that are spelled out in the CRC website are followed, CRC will render a decision. This decision may be used in a court of law, should a resident choose to take legal action against another resident. Hopefully, the CRC ruling would be sufficient to resolve any disputes.
CRC is not
Compliance with Covenants is the legal obligation of each homeowner. Anyone may demand compliance by a home owner to the Covenants that go with that homeowner’s land. It is not necessary to involve the CRC to bring legal action against another homeowner. However, historically the rulings by the CRC have held weight in courts of law.
In order to perform its tasks in an objective and consistent manner, the CRC uses certain guidelines and processes that can be referenced in this website.
If the procedures that are spelled out in the CRC website are followed, CRC will render a decision. This decision may be used in a court of law, should a resident choose to take legal action against another resident. Hopefully, the CRC ruling would be sufficient to resolve any disputes.
CRC is not
- an arbitration/mediation service
- an enforcement service
Communications with CRC shall be in writing and mailed to
Somerset Community Association
PO Box 40531
Bellevue, WA 98015.
The envelope should be marked “Attention CRC”. See CRC - Forms/Documents for appropriate forms.
Upon receipt of your correspondence requesting service, CRC will send you written acknowledgement. CRC will attempt to complete all service requests within 30 days the date of acknowledgement, depending on the case load. If it is going to take longer than 30 days, CRC will notify applicant.
CRC may collect input from neighbors who are affected by a proposed change. Such input is of advisory nature and not binding upon CRC.
CRC has a nominal charge for large review requests. The purpose of charging is to reimburse the SCA for its time and expenses. As a benefit to SCA dues-paying members, the cost of annual membership will be deducted from CRC fees that are greater than the dues amount.
If, on a given subject, there are both Bellevue and CC&R regulations both regulations must be satisfied. In other words, the more restrictive regulation governs.
The CRC does not provide rulings or opinions on Bellevue code, but it may provide courtesy information.
In the case of disputes, CRC will not provide its service until a Neighbor Complaint Form is filed with CRC.
CRC can not and will not provide service to divisions who have not adopted the CRC Amendment to their CC&R’s allowing the CRC to act in the place of the defunct Building Committee or Architectural Control Committee.
Somerset Community Association
PO Box 40531
Bellevue, WA 98015.
The envelope should be marked “Attention CRC”. See CRC - Forms/Documents for appropriate forms.
Upon receipt of your correspondence requesting service, CRC will send you written acknowledgement. CRC will attempt to complete all service requests within 30 days the date of acknowledgement, depending on the case load. If it is going to take longer than 30 days, CRC will notify applicant.
CRC may collect input from neighbors who are affected by a proposed change. Such input is of advisory nature and not binding upon CRC.
CRC has a nominal charge for large review requests. The purpose of charging is to reimburse the SCA for its time and expenses. As a benefit to SCA dues-paying members, the cost of annual membership will be deducted from CRC fees that are greater than the dues amount.
If, on a given subject, there are both Bellevue and CC&R regulations both regulations must be satisfied. In other words, the more restrictive regulation governs.
The CRC does not provide rulings or opinions on Bellevue code, but it may provide courtesy information.
In the case of disputes, CRC will not provide its service until a Neighbor Complaint Form is filed with CRC.
CRC can not and will not provide service to divisions who have not adopted the CRC Amendment to their CC&R’s allowing the CRC to act in the place of the defunct Building Committee or Architectural Control Committee.