Recently the CRC has received some questions relating to whether homes in the Somerset neighborhood can be used as Airbnb (or similar) rentals. (Airbnb is an online marketplace and hospitality service which acts as a broker for people to lease or rent short term lodging.) The short answer is no.
Here’s the background. When the Covenants were constructed, the developers attempted to include rules that would enable the Somerset neighborhoods to remain residential and to protect the property owners’ rights to the enjoyment and use of their properties. The operation of businesses in the Somerset neighborhoods would greatly change the look and feel of the area, as well as affect aesthetics and traffic patterns. Therefore, the Covenants include language which specifically states that property owners shall at no time conduct any trade or business of any description on their residential property in Somerset. (You can find viewable copies of the Covenants which apply to your property on our website at Airbnb is a type of transient lodging (defined as rentals of fewer than 30 days) known as a Bed & Breakfast (an owner-occupied dwelling which temporarily houses guests for profit). While the City of Bellevue does allow residential homeowners to operate a Bed & Breakfast, it requires them to obtain a Home Occupation Permit and Business License in order to do so (City of Bellevue, Developmental Services Handout # L-39). This requirement supports the Somerset CRC position that the operation of an Airbnb would qualify as a “business” and is not allowed under the Somerset Covenants.
In quite a few cases the Somerset Covenants are more stringent than the City of Bellevue Code requirements. If the Somerset Covenants and City of Bellevue Codes conflict on a similar topic, the stricter code of the two overrides the lesser code. Operating an Airbnb (or any unlicensed business) in Somerset would therefore be against both the Covenants and the City of Bellevue Code. While this sort of business can be a source of income in other neighborhoods which have no Covenants, Somerset does not allow it. This article is intended to inform homeowners in our community so they do not incur any expenses in attempting to operate an Airbnb or similar service.
For readers that do not have covenants and live in the City of Bellevue, contact the City and find out what review/permitting process you must go through to stay within Bellevue Code requirements for these transient lodging businesses. Additional references which might be helpful include: (1) The Land Use Review desk in the Permit Center at Bellevue City Hall (450 – 110th Avenue NE), 425-452-4188 or [email protected], (2) Ordinance No. 6223 (, and (3) Land Use Codes 20.20.700 (Rooming Houses), 20.50.020 (family), 20.50.046 (single housekeeping unit), 20.50.012 (Bed and Breakfast and Boarding House), and 20.30N (Home Occupation Permit).
Recently the CRC has received some questions relating to whether homes in the Somerset neighborhood can be used as Airbnb (or similar) rentals. (Airbnb is an online marketplace and hospitality service which acts as a broker for people to lease or rent short term lodging.) The short answer is no.
Here’s the background. When the Covenants were constructed, the developers attempted to include rules that would enable the Somerset neighborhoods to remain residential and to protect the property owners’ rights to the enjoyment and use of their properties. The operation of businesses in the Somerset neighborhoods would greatly change the look and feel of the area, as well as affect aesthetics and traffic patterns. Therefore, the Covenants include language which specifically states that property owners shall at no time conduct any trade or business of any description on their residential property in Somerset. (You can find viewable copies of the Covenants which apply to your property on our website at Airbnb is a type of transient lodging (defined as rentals of fewer than 30 days) known as a Bed & Breakfast (an owner-occupied dwelling which temporarily houses guests for profit). While the City of Bellevue does allow residential homeowners to operate a Bed & Breakfast, it requires them to obtain a Home Occupation Permit and Business License in order to do so (City of Bellevue, Developmental Services Handout # L-39). This requirement supports the Somerset CRC position that the operation of an Airbnb would qualify as a “business” and is not allowed under the Somerset Covenants.
In quite a few cases the Somerset Covenants are more stringent than the City of Bellevue Code requirements. If the Somerset Covenants and City of Bellevue Codes conflict on a similar topic, the stricter code of the two overrides the lesser code. Operating an Airbnb (or any unlicensed business) in Somerset would therefore be against both the Covenants and the City of Bellevue Code. While this sort of business can be a source of income in other neighborhoods which have no Covenants, Somerset does not allow it. This article is intended to inform homeowners in our community so they do not incur any expenses in attempting to operate an Airbnb or similar service.
For readers that do not have covenants and live in the City of Bellevue, contact the City and find out what review/permitting process you must go through to stay within Bellevue Code requirements for these transient lodging businesses. Additional references which might be helpful include: (1) The Land Use Review desk in the Permit Center at Bellevue City Hall (450 – 110th Avenue NE), 425-452-4188 or [email protected], (2) Ordinance No. 6223 (, and (3) Land Use Codes 20.20.700 (Rooming Houses), 20.50.020 (family), 20.50.046 (single housekeeping unit), 20.50.012 (Bed and Breakfast and Boarding House), and 20.30N (Home Occupation Permit).